@extends('cleaner.layouts.loggedin') @section('title', 'Invoices') @section('content') @foreach ($invoiceData as $data)
{{-- PDF Print details --}}

Choreless Inc.

Invoice Id #{{ $data->orderId }}
Invice Date: {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($data->completeby)->format('m-d-Y') }}

Bill to:

Choreless Inc

720 Seneca St Ste 107
Seattle, WA 98101
Order: {{ $data->customer_name }} / #({{ $data->orderId }})
Quantity/Weight Lb {{ $data->weight }}Lb
Rate ${{ $data->rate }}
Amount${{ number_format($data->weight * $data->rate, 2, '.', '') }}
Bonus: ${{ $data->bonus}}
Amount: ${{ number_format($data->bonus + $data->weight * $data->rate, 2, '.', '') }}

Thank you!

If you have any questions concerning this invoice, use the following contact information:

hello@getchoreless.com (888) 315-0445
@endforeach @endsection